Sunday, November 15, 2009


  1. Loretta Ross wrote an article on her blog,, about getting some praying gear. It consisted of boots, warm socks, and gloves. She said, "...when you stalk holiness in autumn in Kansas, you need a good pair of boots." So I found this picture of boots (the boots are in Egypt instead of Kansas) to remind me to prayer walk around the Centerville reservoir.

  2. Hello Suzanne,
    I took this photo, and once again, thank you for chosing it for your blog.

    I just thought I'd mention that these boots (and my feet in them) have walked through Saint Catherine's Monastery (Christianity's oldest, still-working monastery at the base of Mount Sinai) and after that, I stood atop Mount Sinai itself in them. :-)

  3. Wow! Thanks for letting us see your photograph and for telling us about Saint Catherine's Monastery and Mt. Sinai. The image is now even more powerful for me.
