Monday, August 17, 2009


  1. Potential...
    what can we become
    in the hands of the Creator?

    From grains of wheat, waiting
    till sun warmed and ready
    to be transformed to bread that nourishes.

    It is only by the rough breaking of the wheat
    worked and ground by careful hands
    that it can become useful flour
    kneeded together to become
    whole, warm, complete.

    In the wheat and bread,
    a reflection,
    mirroring the challenges of life
    and the hope of nourishing others in the end.

  2. Thanks, Laurie, for your comment. I always thought of bread nourishing me, not me, as bread, nourishing others. But isn't that what we do as preachers? Working on the sermon is allowing God to grind us, knead us, and bake us so that we can nourish others.

    I love loaves of crusty bread. A slice of drab white bread doesn't hold a candle to it.
